Latest posts by Nancy Carr (see all)
- Hey Dullblog Online Housekeeping Note - May 6, 2022
- Beatles in the 1970s: Melting and Crying - April 13, 2022
- The Beatles, “Let It Be,” and “Get Back”: “Trying to Deceive”? - October 22, 2021
These dark days, I’ll take opportunities to laugh wherever I can get them. On a recent trip to Indianapolis I saw this bus, and immediately imagined it as on its way to the imaginary, wink-wink-pornographic girls school Wings celebrated in song back in 1977. It was released as the B side of “Mull of Kintyre” and reached #33 on the U.S. charts.

Well, I’m an Indy resident, so I gotta say I’ve never made this connection, as I think I was aware of the street before anything else. 🙂 Hope you enjoyed yourself. It’s an okay place, sometimes.
More proof (if anyone was looking for it) that I definitely think a little too much about the Beatles, since that association occurred to me right away!
I was in Indianapolis for work, and did enjoy it (I was staying downtown). I loved Indy Reads, the used bookstore that benefits literacy initiatives.
One of the things I like most about being a Beatles obsessive is the happy associations that constantly pop up during the day. If your name is “Carol,” I WILL hear the BBC version in my head.
Another thing about being a Beatles obsessive is when I see old music from before they were born, and think “John would have loved this! / I wonder if Paul has seen this?”
I thought of this thread when I received yet another e-mail from “No Reply.”
(“No Reply” sends me messages all the time, when it wants me to answer store surveys but doesn’t want me to ask questions in return.)