
The Beatles on Shindig

By |December 20, 2020|Categories: Uncategorized|

Everybody's favorite Liverpudlians (except perhaps for Mrs. Marsden) perform "Kansas City/Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey", "I'm a Loser," and "Boys" for a remarkably restrained London studio audience, on October 7, 1964. According to the internet, the audience were members of the Beatles Fan Club. I think this footage might have been colorized after the fact? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hFi1VcsuJ_g

Follow us on Twitter! @HeyDullblog

By |December 18, 2020|Categories: Uncategorized|

Those of you on the rightly maligned hellsite Twitter can, and really must, follow us. We're at @HeyDullblog. (And I’m personally at @mgerber937.)  I say this for two reasons: The first is, lots of Beatle and Beatle-adjacent news breaks on Twitter, and so we'll be able to comment on John's love letters to Paul the VERY MOMENT they are released. "Dear Paul: [...]

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Paul McCartney and Taylor Swift on making music in 2020

By |November 13, 2020|Categories: Interviews, Paul McCartney, solo|

Paul McCartney and Taylor Swift are on the cover of Rolling Stone this month, as part of the magazine's "Musicians On Musicians" series. You can read their conversation here. Sounds as if this meeting was a real family affair, with Stella McCartney supplying Taylor Swift's clothes for the shoot and Mary McCartney taking the photographs. To me, the most interesting part of [...]

    All You Need Is Love–And To VOTE!

    By |November 3, 2020|Categories: Beatle History, Beatle-inspired, Politics, Uncategorized|

    Please, if you're legally able to do so in the United States, get out and vote today. If you have an absentee or mail ballot, drop it off at an authorized collection place (preferably one that is attended by an actual person), and track the status of your ballot online. I believe that most of us who contribute to or read this [...]

      Why The Beatles Never Had a Mudshark Story

      By |October 24, 2020|Categories: Uncategorized|

      Four years later, Led Zeppelin would make this hotel famous. The title is referring to a notorious groupie-related event in Led Zeppelin history, detailed here. Long dismissed as legend, it seems to have really happened in July 1969, and (could this possibly be?) everybody left the hotel room happy. Except, of course, for the poor shark. My last few posts [...]

        Why Your Favorite Celebrity Isn’t Who You Think They Are

        By |October 12, 2020|Categories: Uncategorized|

        "This Halloween, go as one of the biggest bastards on Earth!" Folks, just a quick post here but one I think is worth making. In the comments to my 80th birthday post for John Lennon, we're talking about John's bad behavior (specifically his abuse of women--and men, too, though that is mentioned less). It's come up several times, and indeed [...]

          Happy Birthday John Lennon, Whoever You Are

          By |October 9, 2020|Categories: Uncategorized|

          Lennon, no saint, mid-miracle. I haven't been thinking a lot about The Beatles or John Lennon lately, which is why you haven't seen me around here. But today being John Lennon's 80th birthday, I was awakened with this article from Esquire.com in my Twitter feed: "The Difficulty of Remembering John Lennon Today," by Alan Light. "Why does John Lennon, for [...]

            The Worst Beatle Waxworks Ever

            By |September 25, 2020|Categories: Uncategorized|

            Being immortalized in wax is a particularly harsh price of fame, don't you think? Even the dummies reproduced on the cover of Sgt. Pepper (surely the best of a bad lot) seem to have at best a distant relationship to their human counterparts. But this one, provided by friend and fellow Beatlefan Stephen Kroninger, takes the cake. If you have better (or [...]

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