

    By |January 17, 2013|Categories: 1970s, John Lennon|Tags: |

    Ran across this oldie this evening in my ramblings, and flashed on something from my reading: John Lennon, lolling in some Midtown bed with May Pang in the late 70s, claiming that this was one of "their songs."I remember finding it very sweet that, even after the strange intense life he'd led, John Lennon OF THE BEATLES, could get hooked on some [...]

    "I’m 15 and I feel like 80"

    By |January 14, 2013|Categories: 1964|Tags: , |

    Well, sister, I'm 43 and feel like 15. Or 180. It changes from moment to moment. Spending time with the folks sure makes me feel young. They're coming of age at this point, and require personal care. I was a bit worried at first because they didn't want to move out of the house, but after some research I learned about Home [...]

    Counterpoint on Magical Mystery Tour

    By |January 3, 2013|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: |

    For everyone who loves "Magical Mystery Tour" (the film) or has come to appreciate it over the years, there's someone who still hates it -- Jim DeRogatis, a Chicago critic who broadcasts on NPR's WBEZ, is a case in point. If you're interested in reading his vilification of the movie (and a lot of the album), you can do so here: http://www.wbez.org/blogs/jim-derogatis/2013-01/revisiting-one-beatles’-worst-mistakes-104650Here's the [...]

    Marvelous mystery tour

    By |December 31, 2012|Categories: Uncategorized|

    Some nice Beatles references in Jonathan Lethem's "My Marvel Years," about Jack Kirby (and Lethem-as-comics-reader), over at the London Review of Books: Nevertheless, if you (I mean, I) accept my premise that the mid-to-late 1960s Fantastic Four were the exemplary specimens as I'm explaining what's out there, the Revolver and Rubber Soul and White Album of comics, and if you further grant that pulling against the tide of all of [...]

      Yoko Ono on the Breakup

      By |December 29, 2012|Categories: 1970, John and Paul, John Lennon|Tags: , |

      "They were getting to be like Paul's band, which they didn't like," quoth the Yoko, via The Huffington Post. The interview's from 1987, and it's from Rolling Stone, so we can expect it to be simple-minded and St. Lennon-ish; but this canard deserves a bit of scorn. Can I? Thanks.Oh what a shame it was for Paul to run roughshod over those [...]

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