
    The Beatles’ 13th Album?

    By |November 28, 2022|Categories: 1970s|

    The glorious team blog Boing Boing linked today to an article on Formidable Mag—their guess as to what a 13th Beatles LP might've sounded like. Their surmises are, to my mind, riddled with errors and misunderstandings—that, for example, the always intellectually restless Fabs would recycle a rejected title for Abbey Road three years later; that they had “basically stopped collaborating on songs [...]

      Revolver Deluxe Edition Open Thread

      By |October 30, 2022|Categories: Uncategorized|

      I lasted approximately thirty seven hours before I broke down and listened to the new mixes from Revolver Deluxe—thanks, bad influences, you know who you are. I was trying to hold out until Christmas morning. And I still plan to unbox the physical item on 9 am sharp December 25th. But in the meantime, here's a thread to contain all the burbling. [...]

        From Faith Current: “Fool on the Hill: The Myth of Perfectionist Paul”

        By |October 23, 2022|Categories: Paul McCartney|

        Folks, here's an interesting revision of opinion from Faith on Paul McCartney. Enjoy—MG. I got it wrong. Back in April, I wrote a piece for Hey Dullblog about Paul’s choice to put Linda in his band (“I’m Gonna Go WIth Linda on Keyboards”). It included this paragraph: Paul seems to have been the one who protested loudest about Stu’s and Pete’s musical [...]

          From Victoria: Oracle’s spoken: John Green’s Dakota Days (1983)

          By |October 18, 2022|Categories: 1980, books, john and yoko, Reviews, Uncategorized|

          When Victoria, a regular commenter here on Dullblog, asked if she could write up a review of John Green's out-of-print book Dakota Days, I immediately said "yes!" I remember reading it as deep background for my comic novel Life After Death for Beginners, and finding its glimpses into soothsaying and John and Yoko fascinating and maddening in equal measure. Here are her [...]

            Various musings on Lennon and Addiction

            By |October 7, 2022|Categories: Uncategorized|

            E arlier this week, reader @Maya wrote me, knowing full well the flood of words that this would cause: “Hey, just wondering your thoughts on this video. At around the 1:20:00 mark, Lewisohn says that he thinks John and Yoko weren’t addicted to heroin? This is really throwing me and has got me worried about his third volume, should it ever be [...]

              Try it, you might like it

              By |September 24, 2022|Categories: Uncategorized|

              (And now, a brief word from our sponsor…) The latest issue of my print humor magazine, The American Bystander #23, is all about the Seventies. Given that so much of this blog talks about that very distinctive time, I thought I'd hondle everybody. Try it, you'll like it—and at just $5 for a PDF and $20 for a print edition, how wrong [...]

                Reader question: “Thoughts on Prisoner of Love?”

                By |September 21, 2022|Categories: Uncategorized|

                "Hmm...I did not know that" Reader @Maya writes in to ask: "Hi, Michael. I was wondering if you had any thoughts on the cancelation of Peter Doggett’s book on Lennon’s Dakota Days, Prisoner of Love: Inside the Dakota with John Lennon that was meant to be released April of last year. It would have been so great to have a book on [...]

                  Mad King John

                  By |September 8, 2022|Categories: Uncategorized|

                  Right next to today's news of the Queen Elizabeth II's passing, there appeared in my Twitter feed this photo of John in 1967, dressed in togs from "I Was Lord Kitchener's Valet" or some such. Which made me think: what would've happened if, through some terrible mix-up or unforgivable governmental chicanery, John Lennon had been crowed King of England in 1967? I'll [...]

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