
    Where would John Lennon have moved?

    By |October 10, 2019|Categories: John Lennon|

    This morning I had a stray thought: what would John Lennon have done if he'd survived? Where would he have gone? Now don't get too excited: I was all set to write a big long thinky post about this, but today has been nothing but furious fingers typing typing typing, so I will keep it short, and let the commentariat do the [...]

      Happy Birthday John Lennon, wherever you are!

      By |October 9, 2019|Categories: John Lennon|

      Lennon with a "UFO Detector," 1965. Photo by Brian Duffy. October 9th is, as every Beatle fan knows, John Lennon's birthday. I am sure he is celebrating along with us, probably on some distant planet. ("Dear People of Earth, all I want for my birthday is an impeachment. You know who.") An old family friend sent me a link to an article: [...]

        Beatleg Stories

        By |October 8, 2019|Categories: bootlegs|

        Whatever time you're reading this, chances are I'm doing the same thing: furiously pedaling my bike en route to my local repertory movie theater, fifteen minutes late for some old movie, with no lights (I know I know) and some truly awful Beatles outtake blaring in my ears. Probably 25% of all the room on my iPhone is taken up by Artifacts [...]

          Stephen Kroninger Draws John Lennon

          By |October 5, 2019|Categories: Art, John Lennon|

          Master illustrator Stephen Kroninger has contributed this portrait of John Lennon to Bystander #13. I thought you might like to see it. (Yes, it's illustrating a column of mine. Naturally.) John Lennon, by Stephen Kroninger, from The American Bystander #13. In addition to being a serious Beatles/Lennon fan, Stephen's a genius. He's done a couple of great illustrations of the Fabs, early [...]

          Beatle interviews, 1969-70

          By |October 1, 2019|Categories: Interviews|

          With Mark Lewisohn lately touting the recording of a business meeting where an album after Abbey Road was being discussed, I was particularly interested in this YouTube edit of interviews with all four Beatles during the same period. (BTW, I've heard tell of Lennon's carve-up plan for decades—four songs for him, four songs for Paul, four for George, and two for Ringo—so [...]

            Getting Better (Take 1)

            By |September 23, 2019|Categories: Sgt. Pepper|

            A quick check-in with two goodies from the Pepper Super Deluxe Edition. Ooh, Take 1! I love how HEAVY the heavy part is, and how bright and optimistic the pianet is. Nobody did dynamic range like the Beatles. You can see how easily they could've done "heavy" rock, if the mood had struck. I've always felt that a lot of what sounds [...]

              Sgt Pepper Versus Revolver

              By |September 22, 2019|Categories: Sgt. Pepper|

              Friend Stephen Kroninger sent me this list of the Beatles best albums today; not surprisingly, Revolver edged out Sgt. Pepper (with Abbey Road at #2!). This led to some interesting thoughts regarding Sgt Pepper versus Revolver, which I wanted to share. I've written about my love for Pepper many times before (probably most lucidly here), and Nancy has written nicely here. It's [...]

                A Few Words on Conspiracy Theory

                By |September 10, 2019|Categories: Uncategorized|

                Who is this man? Several Beatles-related conspiracy theories—the idea that John and Paul were lovers, and the granddaddy of them all, the Paul McCartney death hoax—have emerged in the comments of late, and so I wanted to take a moment to share some strategies on how to deal with this kind of thinking. The goal should be to address the material in [...]

                  A Secret History of The Beatles?

                  By |September 4, 2019|Categories: Uncategorized|

                  Is there, do you think, a secret history of The Beatles? In a private email, commenter Justin and I began talking about this Dullblog post—which, nearly ten years later, remains the best summary of my feelings on the breakup. (For those short on time: I think Lennon pulled away from Paul and the group impulsively, almost by mistake, driven by his pride, [...]

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