- From Faith Current: “The Sacred Ordinary: St. Peter’s Church Hall” - May 1, 2023
- A brief (?) hiatus - April 22, 2023
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“We have a ghost in our house in the country…he smokes a pipe.”
Commenter Linda sent me some interesting links to last night’s two-hour George Martin tribute on Twenty-First Century Radio, hosted by Dr. Bob Hieronimus. Baltimore-based radio host and artist Hieronimus seems to be somewhat Art Bell-ish, but with a definite Beatles bent (he’s written a whole book on Yellow Submarine).
Hieronymus interviewed Martin six times between 1995 and 2007. Says Linda, “This is definitely interview material I have not encountered before — George Martin and Dr. Bob discuss ghosts, life elsewhere in the universe, ecological concerns… a departure from the usual.”
Yes, but what is Gerry Marsden really like? (Just kidding.)
I’m listening to it now and enjoying it, you should check it out. Hieronimus and Martin are both truly Sixties People, and if there’s a secret agenda to Hey Dullblog, it’s to preserve that Sixties outlook in future generations via The Beatles and ilk.
Hour one and hour two. (BTW, about 20 minutes into Hour Two Martin talks about how his comedy work with Milligan and Sellers informed his work with the Beatles.)
Having first looked up Art Bell, I’m now in a position to suggest that “Dr. Bob” H. is way-more than “somewhat Art Bell-ish.” Anyone who wants to verify this can tune in the program (live, online http://www.21stCenturyRadio.com) Sunday evenings from 8:05 pm to 10:00 pm (EDT) Plus, all shows become available to visit in the website archive.
What do you mean, Linda S.? What *I* meant was that Hieronimus talks about things like UFOs, ghosts, genetic crop modification, etc. But as I’m listening to the tribute, it’s really clear that he was tight with a lot of Beatle-people.
I KNEW I didn’t get that across right! It’s the “somewhat” in your Art Bell-ish reference that I was addressing. Most of these programs, the ones I’ve heard, are WAAAAY off the wall, actually. No disparagement intended. Just awfully ‘far out’. Yup, he has Beatles connections for sure.
I love all that stuff, personally. And have had just enough experience with things out of the realm of possibility to think that many unusual things are possible.